NRIs, Non Residents, Foreign Citizens, Expats – Financial Transactions In India – Income Tax Laws, Foreign Exchange Rules, Other Laws – Tax Consultants, Chartered Accountants, Advisory Services In Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Noida, Gurgaon, UP, Kerala, Punjab, Gujarat, Other Cities India
NRIs, OCIs, PIOs living abroad, due to their financial and other interest in India, do a lot of financial transactions in India. These financial transactions attract applicability of various laws mainly Income Tax Laws, RBI Laws. To comply with these Indian Laws, NRIs look forward for reliable and trustworthy expert professional services. For the same, NRIs search for a good Chartered Accountant or Tax Consultant or Law Firm, who have rich experience and knowledge of NRIs matters.
We, S Lohia & Associates, are a Chartered Accountant firm. We have a dedicated team who handles only NRI matters. We have expert in various areas who assist NRIs, OCIs, PIOs, Expats in relation to their Tax Matter Services, RBI Regulations, Other Laws. Our frequent services, for which NRIs contact us, are Property Sale Purchase Transactions (Lower TDS Certificate Services etc), Repatriation Services (Form 15CA 15CB Services), ITR Services, Tax Litigation etc. We also provide various value added services also to NRIs e.g. Address Services, Power of Attorney Services, Lawyer Support, Property Consultant, Representative Services.
Over the years, S Lohia & Associates, gained good experience and reputation and handling hundreds of NRIs, PIOs, OCIs, Expatriates across the world. S Lohia & Associates is CA Firm have presence in Delhi India and other cities across India.
S Lohia & Associates Services To NRIs, OCIs, PIOs, Foreign Citizens
S Lohia & Associates is a one stop point for all kind of services to NRIs. Our some specialized NRI services include:
- NRI, PIOs Property Sale & Capital Gain Tax Advisory Services
- NRI, PIOs, Expatriates – Income Tax Return Services
- NRI, Foreign Citizens Income Tax Exemptions, Deductions, Reliefs
- NRI, Foreign Citizens TDS Exemption or Lower Rate TDS Services (Form 13)
- NRI, PIOs Money Remittance Services (NRO to NRE or Foreign Account) (Form 15CA, 15CB)
- NRI Seafarer, Mariner Taxation Services
- NRI, PIOs Property Buying Tax & FEMA Advisory Services
- NRI Property Sale, Acquisition & Management Services
- NRI, PIOs Under Income Tax and FEMA, NRI Residential Status
- NRI, Foreign Citizens – Applicability, Impact of Aadhaar-PAN linking
- NRI, PIOs – Budget 2020 Changes
- NRI Forms, Income Tax Forms
- All Other Services i.e. NRI RBI Laws, NRI Tax Laws etc
- NRI Services to Various Categories of NRIs i.e. Newly Migrated NRI, Returning NRI, OCIs, PIOs etc.
S Lohia & Associates Services – VARIOUS KIND OF NRI CLIENTS
We are Chartered Accountants of NRIs having offices at Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Pune and various other major cities in India. We are also Consultant and Advisor for all kind of services for NRIs, PIOs, Foreign Citizens. Our client profile includes:
- Non Resident Indians who have income in India and wish to submit their taxes
- NRIs who have/ intend to have investments in India
- OCI, Other Non Resident Indians who inherit assets in India
- Non-residents who have / intend to set up a business in India
- Returning NRIs
- Emigrating Indian/ New NRI
Hereunder are brief description in relation to our client profile and services to them:
Non Resident Indians who have income in India and wish to submit their taxes
NRIs generally have income from various sources in India i.e. Interest on Bank Deposits, Rental Income, Capital Gains. For the same, as per the provisions of Income Tax there remains a requirement of filing of Income Tax Return in India. In this regard, our office helps NRIs for following:
- Assisting in filing of ITR for NRI in India
- Advising & guiding in claiming back TDS refund from IT Deptt
- Consultancy wrt tax planning to reduce the tax burden
- Advising Double Tax Avoidance Agreement and save taxes
- Handling litigation of Income Tax Deptt
- Providing support services i.e. India address for communication with the IT Deptt
Non Resident Indians who have/ intends to have investments in India
NRIs who have certain investments, property and bank accounts in India, we manage their financial affairs in India in its entirety as follows:
- Monitor, record and periodically report on his investments.
- Facilitate liquidation/lease of property through a top-notch property consultant.
- Assist and advise a to z services in relation to repatriation of sale proceeds of investment and property.
- Advise repatriation of income from investments and rent from the property.
- Complete banking and other regulatory formalities.
- Plan his financial transactions to minimise his tax liability in India.
- File NRI Income Tax Services return.
Non Resident Indians who inherit assets in India
A NRI inherits assets in the form of investments, property etc in India and intends to either liquidate them and repatriate the sale proceeds of the same or manage the same in most tax efficient manner. We enable him to achieve these objectives by facilitating the clearance from Income Tax Services, RBI and other regulatory authorities. We help NRI in submitting of form 15CA & 15CB with Tax Authorities.
Non Resident Indians/ other Non-residents Intending to set up a business in India
A NRI ⁄ other non-resident businessman intends to set up business in India. We assist and advise them to do so with our services such as:
- Develop an entry strategy and a financial model.
- Undertake location studies and recommend the ideal location.
- Identify and evaluate potential partners including due diligence reviews
- Arrange for complete set of regulatory approvals.
- Arrange finance for the project by preparing a detailed project report and liaison with banks/ financial institutions/ joint venture partners.
- Facilitate incorporation of a company in India.
- Organise office infrastructure and manpower during the “in-transit period” of the start up or operate as a representative office.
A NRI/ other non-resident already has a business in India. Besides providing the entire gamut of financial and consultancy services, we operate as a representative office/ manage specific business processes.
Returning NRI
A returning NRI wants to retain/ disinvest assets (property, investments, business) acquired outside India and re-invest abroad the income/ sale proceeds thereof. We assist him as follows:
- Facilitate clearance required under FEMA from RBI to continue to hold assets outside India.
- Facilitate re-investment of sale proceeds of assets acquired outside India.
- Plan residential status under FEMA and Income Tax Services.
- Plan tax liability in India.
- Make fresh investments in business outside India.
- Investment and business consultancy in India.
Emigrating Indian/ New NRI
A recently migrated Indian/ new NRI wants to retain/ disinvest assets (property, investments, business) acquired in India and repatriate the income/ sale proceeds thereof. We enable him to do so as follows:
- Obtain clearance required under FEMA from RBI to continue to hold certain assets in India.
- Facilitate repatriation of sale proceeds and income of assets held in India.
- Plan his tax liability in India.
- Monitor, record and report on his investments in India.